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Your Business

Client Story: Serving Up Success

Shenandoah Valley entrepreneur and restaurateur Jeff Ramsey knows the value of a great team – including his Atlantic Union Bank Business Banking partners Jackie Kurtz and Stephanie Lang.

Jeff has banked with us for more than 25 years – starting with his very first business loan in the early 1990s. “I certainly appreciated the belief they had in my vision back then,” Jeff says. “I continue to value their day-to-day support – it’s a big reason why I continue to bank with Atlantic Union Bank.”

As Jeff has continued to grow his business and diversify into real estate investments, the strategic, long-term planning advice he gets from Jackie and Stephanie is crucial to his success. Over the years, we’ve provided him with financing for real estate, equipment and investment properties, as well as his operational business accounts.

The support he gets from us allows Jeff to spend less time on banking and more time on managing his restaurants, investing in the community, and, most importantly, ensuring his employees and his customers have the best experience possible.

As he sees the restaurant industry continue to evolve and pivot, Jeff notes: “It’s important to take what I’ve learned over the years and adapt my business plan as the industry and consumer preferences shift. But one thing that never changes is the importance of building relationships that last.”

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