Routing Number
Ours is 051403164
Here's the info you need to move money quickly.
Any time you want to wire money, use Automated Clearing House (ACH) to make electronic payments or set up direct deposit, you'll need to know our routing number: 051403164.
What is Atlantic Union Bank’s routing number?
The Atlantic Union Bank routing number for wire transfers, direct deposit, and more is 051403164.
How do I find the Atlantic Union Bank routing number?
The 9-digit routing number is located on the bottom left-hand corner of your checks. The 10-digit series next to the routing number is your account number, and the final 4-digit series is the check number.
Do you need checks?
Get more information on how.
If you need to reorder checks, you may do so online. Be sure to have the Atlantic Union Bank & Trust routing number, your account number and zip code available.
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