Account FAQs
We don't want you to miss a beat while managing your accounts.
If you have any questions about the transition, start here. This is the information you need related to support hours and details for your Atlantic Union Bank accounts. We're working to minimize, or avoid, any disruption to your normal routine.
Loan Account FAQs
Please mail payments to:
Atlantic Union Bank
Attn: Payment Processing
P.O. Box 71120
Charlotte, NC 28272-1120
For Online Bill Pay, please remember to update any auto-payments that are mailed to the bank to reflect this address.
Business Online Banking FAQs
Please update incoming wire instructions with the transit routing number for Atlantic Union Bank - 051403164. We will continue to accept wires using the AMNB transit routing number.
Incoming Foreign Wire Instructions
For incoming foreign wires, there is no immediate need to change your incoming foreign wire instructions, as your current incoming wire instructions will still work. However, we recommend updating your incoming foreign wire instructions as soon as you can. Please follow this link for Atlantic Union Bank's wire instructions.