Account FAQs
Here are some frequently asked questions (with answers, of course) to help ease the transition of your account(s).
We don't want you to miss a beat while managing your accounts.
If you have any questions about the transition, start here. This is the information you need related to support hours and details for your Atlantic Union Bank accounts. We're working to minimize, or avoid, any disruption to your normal routine.
Loan Account FAQs
In a few cases, there will be account number changes. If impacted, you will receive a separate correspondence with your old and new account numbers.
Yes, there will be no interruption to existing automatic payments.
Yes, you can continue to use your existing checks. You will receive a separate communication if you are issued new checks because your account number has changed.
Yes, you can expect to receive your loan statements around the same time each month.
Yes, after May 28, if not directed to do so sooner, please mail:
Atlantic Union Bank
Attn: Payment Processing
P.O. Box 71120
Charlotte, NC 28272-1120
For Online Bill Pay, please remember to update any automatic payments that are mailed to the bank to reflect this address.
Online Banking & Bill Pay FAQs
Log in to Personal Online Banking at, and enter your username and password and click “Log In.” We will send you specific details about your login credentials as we get closer to welcoming you to Atlantic Union Bank.
If you are enrolled in paperless statements, you will be able to view the last 12 months of your statements online with the exception of your May statement. This statement will be mailed to you. To enroll in paperless statements, select “Online Statements” within Atlantic Union Bank Online Banking.
Yes, your last 90 days will be available.
Yes, most major establishments will be transferred over and available to pay. We encourage you to confirm that your payees are accurate when you first log in to Personal Online Banking.
For the payees that transfer, there will be no disruption to your payments.
No, you will need to set up eBills along with any associated payment preferences
Yes. Beginning May 27, you can download the Atlantic Union Bank mobile app.
Some limits related to money movement may be different. If you have questions related to your limits, please reach out to the Customer Care Center or your banker.
Atlantic Union Bank will deduct scheduled payments from your designated payment account within 2 business days of the scheduled payment.
Our priority is to make this transition as seamless as possible.
Our award-winning team is ready to help you.
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