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Your Bank

Union Bank & Trust Is Becoming Atlantic Union Bank

As you may have heard, Union Bank & Trust announced plans to acquire Access National Bank, including their Middleburg wealth management division. That acquisition was finalized on February 1.

In conjunction with the timing of the system conversion later this spring, I am pleased to share that we will unify the combined bank under the new Atlantic Union Bank brand name. This will bring consistency to our bank name throughout the Mid-Atlantic. One example of the benefits this will bring is that our Xenith Bank branches in North Carolina will become Atlantic Union Bank later in 2019.

We are also unifying and expanding our first-class wealth management division as the Union and Middleburg businesses come together as Middleburg Financial. Their systems will combine at a future date. You will have access to additional resources and expertise to help you grow and protect your assets through retirement planning, estate planning, investments, asset management, and more. You will also be happy to know that the people, team approach, and customized service you are used to will all stay the same.

What does this mean to you?

  • It’s business as usual. Union has not been acquired. We’ll be the same bank with a new name. You’ll continue to do business with the same smiling faces you’re used to.
  • Do I need new checks or a new debit card? You can keep using the debit card and checks you already have. Our routing number and your account number remain the same. When your debit card is reissued in the future, you’ll receive a newly branded card. When you need new checks, they’ll have the Atlantic Union Bank logo. Until then, keep doing what you’re doing.
  • Are there impacts to how I’ll access my account online? We will have a new web site when we change names,; however, no need to worry about it now – we’ll make sure that redirects you to the new site when the time comes. You’ll continue to use your same online banking usernames and passwords.

Most importantly, you should know that our commitment to putting our clients first endures. We look forward to continuing to serve you. If you have additional questions, please call us at 800-990-4828, contact your Wealth Advisor, or email me at

John C. Asbury
CEO, Union Bank & Trust (soon to be Atlantic Union Bank)

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