There is an active text scam going on across banks. Never click a link in a text from someone claiming to be Atlantic Union Bank.

Lockbox Services

Accelerate your receivables processing

Streamline payments and improve your cash flow.

Another option is to let Atlantic Union Bank be your processor. Have your payables sent to a post office box we maintain. We’ll pick up the checks and deposit them into your Atlantic Union Bank account.

  • Eliminate employee trips to the bank
  • No equipment purchase necessary
  • Pull in a file to autopost payments for straight-through processing
  • Search for specific checks, view them online and make electronic copies
  • Download files, reports and documents

Expect more from your business banking partner.

Our hands-on style provides more than a banking relationship. It offers a personal relationship dedicated to your business’ success. Please provide the information below and a Relationship Manager will show you exactly that.

Customized Solutions

Trusted Advisors

Local Decisioning

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