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Your Community

A partnership to help end hunger

Feed More and Atlantic Union Bank (AUB) have worked together for more than ten years. Over the course of that partnership, AUB has helped Feed More with their deposit and cash management needs, with financing for loans and philanthropic grants.

One of the most recent milestones in the partnership between Feed More and AUB was the financing of a loan for their new facility. This state-of-the-art space greatly increased their capacity to serve their constituents and host more than 200 volunteers daily. It also includes improved office space so that their employees can be supported to do their best work.

This new space gave Feed More a significantly larger warehouse, which includes a refrigerated area as well as a freezer area, where they can store all the food they need to serve the community. Plus, with a larger volunteer area intentionally designed to bring people together, AUB Teammates are enjoying lending a hand and joining the collaborative network of volunteers.

Feed More has also been a recipient of the Atlantic Union Bank's Future Impact Marker Grant which provides funding and professional development opportunities for summer interns, allowing Community Based Organizations to increase capacity and develop the next generation of nonprofit talent. These interns spend the summer at Feed More helping them with their work. They learn about all sorts of different parts of the organization, and do real, meaningful work throughout their time. Plus, last year AUB was able to collaborate with Feed More for an intern swap – a couple of days where AUB interns went to Feed More to learn more about nonprofit management and large-scale operations and logistics. Feed More interns were able to come to AUB to learn more about banking and building skills to carry from college to career.

When the time comes to make a big change to an organization as large and impactful as Feed More, it’s important that they have a partner that they trust. AUB is happy to be that partner to support Feed More now and in the future. That has included our Gift of One Million Meals, which is a donation of $250,000 that we have provided to help Feed More’s mission of helping feed Central Virginia.

We look forward to continuing to partner with Feed More in the future and to help them in their mission.

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